Reasons for Required Bridge Maintenance and Equipment

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One of the tasks PUPR Service (Public Works and Spatial Planning Service), namely carrying out maintenance or maintenance bridges. Maintenance is an activity that is necessary and planned to ensure the quality of the bridge.

Moreover, the bridge is one of the important factors that support community activities every day. When a bridge experiences problems or is even damaged, it is not impossible that community activities will be disrupted and the wheels of the economy will potentially be disrupted as well.

Why is Bridge Maintenance Necessary?

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Actually bridge maintenance is not something easy. The job requires analysis, detection, and other things. The goal is that the repair process takes place quickly and is able to detect problems as early as possible. That way, bridge problems that threaten public safety can be avoided.

However, in general, there are several reasons why road maintenance is necessary, namely:

1. Maintain Road Conditions

The reason for the first maintenance bridge aims to maintain its condition so that it can function properly. As is known, the bridge is a link and even the main means of activity in an area so that it can run smoothly.

The bridge must always function properly so that community activities are not disturbed. By carrying out maintenance on the condition of the bridge, you can reduce to a minimum the risk of accidents due to problematic bridges.

2. Reducing Operational Costs

Bridge maintenance also aims to reduce operating costs. This maintenance fee depends on road conditions, types of vehicles passing by, and the location of the bridge.

If the bridge is in good condition, the operational costs tend to be lower. Even if there are problems, it will be easy to overcome them. This is because the problem that occurred did not include severe damage.

Conversely, the more severe the damage to the bridge, the greater the operational costs.

3. Reducing the Rate of Deterioration

The maintenance of bridges is also able to reduce or slow down the rate of deterioration alias rate of deterioration. It is hoped that through this maintenance, the age of the bridge can last longer. It could even be more than previously estimated.

This condition also has an impact on the comfort of the community. Those who feel safe will be able to cross the bridge without worry.

Types of Bridge Maintenance?

Here are some types of bridge maintenance in general:

1. Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is a maintenance activity that takes place continuously throughout the year. This type of maintenance can include repairing minor damage, cleaning, painting, and so on.

2. Periodic Maintenance

This activity lasts only for a certain period of time. Usually this is done because they see the condition of the bridge is starting to decline. Not just minor repairs, but these activities will take place when the level of damage to the bridge is half as bad.

It is possible that the PUPR Service will send some maintenance equipment. However, beforehand, the related department would conduct an analysis in advance regarding which parts were in a declining condition and needed to be repaired immediately.

3. Rehabilitation

The third type of bridge maintenance is rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is a bridge maintenance activity that only occurs in urgent or emergency conditions. Usually this activity takes place if suddenly the bridge is damaged quite badly either due to an accident or natural disaster.

The rehabilitation activities also include all activities to restore the bridge to its original condition. These repairs must be carried out and completed as soon as possible so that community activities can resume smoothly.

Equipment for Bridge Maintenance

Actually there are many tools that you need when you want to do bridge maintenance. Preparing the equipment also adjusts to the needs of the bridge you are going to build maintenance.

But in general it usually requires concrete mixer, truck, crane, compactor, loader, backhoe, beko, or other supporting tools. Each of these tools has its own function.

In maintenance of this bridge, generally the authorities will carry out this task by hiring a contractor and using quality bridge maintenance support tools. Certainly the selection must be really careful in order to be able to give satisfactory results.

Already Understand the Importance of Bridge Maintenance?

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That's all the discussion about bridge maintenance. If you need a tool to support bridge construction and maintenance, Barracuda is the solution. Barracuda is a local brand that offers support tools for bridge maintenance, which can be applied as a maintenance platform.

Sometimes, there are points that are difficult to reach from the mainland, requiring additional platforms or assistance. By using the platform from the Barracuda floating cube, it will be easy to adjust the shape of the platform to your needs. This is because the Barracuda floating cube is indeed flexible, you can install and disassemble it at any time as you wish.

Barakuda is continuously committed to providing the best to its clients. Satisfaction is a top priority and this is proven by the quality of its floating cubes which are made from premium materials.

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