Benefits of Floating Bridges for Road Access and Tourism

Table of Contents

Ever crossed a floating bridge? Maybe you wonder how this bridge can be made even though it is above the water. Then what material should be able to last a long time, especially when the bridge has a crucial role such as connecting between villages? Check out the full story here!

Overview of Floating Bridges

Manfaat Jembatan Terapung untuk Akses Jalan dan Pariwisata

A floating bridge is a type of bridge that can float in water. This bridge also has another name, namely the pontoon bridge or bridge that functions to support the dynamic load above it.

Usually this pontoon bridge is a temporary property, although there are also those who use it for a long period of time. Generally, floating bridges that are used permanently are for crossing purposes.

In addition, bridges like this also usually have parts that can be lifted or raised. Its function is as a passing lane for ships. 

Untuk kondisi darurat, biasanya orang-orang membuat jembatan ini dari drum kosong tertutup, kemudian menyusunnya secara berjajar. Lalu meletakkan papan di bagian atasnya sebagai tempat orang berjalan. Mengapa drum kosong tersebut tetap mengapung? Ini karena memiliki rongga yang di dalamnya terdapat udara.

Purpose and Benefits of Floating Bridges

Of course, the benefits of a floating bridge are the same as other bridges in general. The purpose of its construction is to provide easy road access for anyone who wants to get to a certain location.

In fact, this bridge can connect one village with another village area. Meanwhile, with regard to the tourism sector, this bridge is not just a road link. Usually tourists also use it as a photo spot. 

You may often find people taking pictures on floating bridges. Especially if this bridge is in an area that has a very beautiful natural scenery, then there will be more people taking pictures on the bridge.

Floating Bridge Manufacturing Materials

The materials used to make floating bridges vary. Some use wood and barrels. Both materials are indeed commonly found. However, both of these materials have their own weaknesses, for example regarding their durability. 

These two materials cannot last for a long time. Moreover, wood that is constantly exposed to water can become more weathered and its quality will gradually decline.

Then what is the solution? Here you can use a material that is stronger and more durable. The material is PE or polyethylene. PE is a floating bridge material that is not only durable but environmentally friendly. 

Trusted Floating Bridge Material Provider

Of course, you want a floating bridge made of quality materials. For that, Barakuda is a trusted brand that you can choose. Barakuda provides quality PE floating cubes as materials for durable floating bridges.

Don't worry, the floating cube material is very sturdy and impact resistant. What's more, the anti-slip grip pattern technology makes this material very suitable for floating bridges in any waters. Siapa pun yang berada di atasnya juga merasa nyaman karena bahannya yang tidak membuat Anda mudah terpeleset.

Barakuda is a local brand with guaranteed product quality. Stock availability at Barakuda is also always guaranteed so you won't be disappointed. What you need is definitely available. That way, the project you have planned can be immediately executed and completed as planned.

Why Must Barakuda?

Among all the brands out there, why Barakuda? There are at least three important reasons you should know.

1. Quality Floating Cube

Barakuda makes its floating cube products from special materials. The material is guaranteed to be anti-UV 20+. That's why the color is long-lasting even if you've been using it for years.

In addition, the cube structure is also very suitable because it is specifically made by experienced teams. Moreover, it is supported by the TKDN certificate and has passed the Tensile Test at the Lab. Institute of Technology 10 November.

2. Always Available Stock

Cube products from Barakuda will always be ready stock. So, you won't run out of products when you need them fast. In addition, other supporting features are also very complete so that it will not disappoint its buyers.

3. Fast Response

The third reason why Barakuda is the best brand for floating bridge materials is because buyers will get fast service. In addition, you will also get the best solution according to project needs.

So you should not hesitate to consult with Barakuda in order to produce the best floating bridge construction and of course last long.


So, the PE floating cube from Barakuda is the best solution for making a floating bridge. The product is quality and certainly very supportive of the project you are working on. Hope you find it useful.

2 Responses

  1. Hallo

    Saya mau tnya jika di gunakan sebagai alas rakit apakah bisa dan berapa beban yg bisa di muat di atas nya dalam jangka waktu lama

    Apakah mudah untuk pemasangan dan pembongkaran?

    1. Halo Kak Syahril,
      Daya apung kubus apung Barakuda 350kg/m2 ya, kak. Tentu pemasangannya sangat mudah dan cepat.
      Silahkan hubungi CS Barakuda 0813-4802-3586 untuk informasi lebih lanjutnya kak.

      Terima kasih,
      Salam Barakuda!

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Barakuda is a local floating cube brand with the best product quality. Stock availability is always guaranteed because we are always producing at all times, so that your project can run smoothly.